he kinda shoulda sorta woulda loved her if he couldve 27 de mayo de 2007 - 21:11 - topo music they were three, he played guitar and sang, it was great, it was short, then we ate pupusas, they were great too, my english is approximative :) Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Email
topo - 31 de mayo de 2007 - 20:56 and there was someone al que li va agradar el final amb el drummer odolant ;)
patri - 29 de mayo de 2007 - 20:09 ...in the end he played drums, he was good on that, the drummer wasn't good on singing...en aquest programa de televisió se'l veu més pentinat jeje
2 comentarios
topo -
patri -
en aquest programa de televisió se'l veu més pentinat jeje